Leadership and Strategy
Closing the talent gap
Catalysing the link between talent and innovation is a major objective for the ICT sector but ongoing skills shortages hStory of a comms sector giant
Freedom Fibre CEO Neil McArthur MBE brings together his own remarkable career story with clear analysis of how the UK fuIn the Chair...
CEOs are well known for being centre stage and leading from the front.Five minutes with...
Paul Reames, Managing Director, Bluecube, who says embracing the full suite of IT services can bring many benefits tCharting outsourcing trends
The MSPs best positioned to help end customers make holistic strategic decisions about which functions to outsource willRedsquid’s double deal
Redsquid’s intent to hit circa £50 million revenue and £10 million EBITDA within three years has been strengthened bTang on return as CEO
Zen founder Richard Tang reprised his role as CEO following the retirement of Paul Stobart in March.Why partnerships are key
Market developments are opening up big opportunities for resellers and SD-WAN is one of the hottest, but a precondition fFive minutes with Paul Stevenson, MD, One Connectivity
Castle Donington-based comms and IT provider One Connectivity marked its tenth year in business with the opening of a new oCarter hangs his boots
As a one-company man for almost 40 years Nimans Group Sales Director Richard Carter has made loyalty his brand, but this