Leadership and Strategy
Avoira's winning formula
Avoira’s winning formula is based on broad synergies delivered through multiple strategic mergers supported by bold leadComms Vision 2023: Are the right issues shaping your decision making?
To help chart a strategic course forward, Comms Vision 2023's opening insight session delved into the many business dynamicMatrix IT ramps up
Incoming Matrix IT MD Matt Faulkner has activated a solid business plan first conceived when he joined the Fareham-basedFive minutes with... Alan Riddoch, MD, Agility Communications
Following a merger with The Mailing Room late last year Riddoch says he is on track to create the leading franking machRealising AI potential
AI is transforming how contact centres operate and bursting through strongly in the comms channel is Elisha Telecom CEOChairman insights....
PE investor Chiltern Capital’s acquisition of IT distributor Intec Microsystems in July also saw the arrival of indSCC in Scottish push
SCC’s newly opened Scottish office is the precursor of a significant expansion campaign across the region led by SCC longFive minutes with Global 4 CEO Carl Barnett
Our 2023 Comms National Awards Reseller of the Year winner Global 4 also bagged the Best Enterprise Vertical Market CustomerChampioning women in tech
With just three per cent of CTO positions currently held by women we are privileged to introduce Prasanna GopalakrishnGamma CFO talks priorities
Gamma CFO Bill Castell provides insights into the transformations happening within the Gamma business and the leadership