
Reasons to get into mobile

For DWS Sales Director Garry Growns it’s hard to believe that many of the channel’s comms resellers do not sell mobile. It is a scenario he is seeking to reverse urgently.

Gamma on mobile disruption

The mobile market presents an extraordinary opportunity which is reflected by Gamma’s ‘market disrupting’ partnership with Three, according to Gamma’s Head of New Business Mark Lomas.

Connect with eSIM potential

Two things are clear. One is that the IoT opportunity is growing by the day. The other is that eSIMs should reside at the centre of a reseller’s IoT strategy, according to Jola’s CTO Adrian Sunderland.

Leasing opportunities

In discussing the mobile market opportunity for comms and IT resellers and the buying options available to clients the benefits of leasing become instantly apparent, according to Shire Leasing National Sales Manager Dan Mackrell.

Pangea on the new age of IoT

As a multi-million turnover business working with hundreds of partners, Managing Director Dan Cunliffe says his focus is ever sharpening as new IoT opportunities emerge.

Sell mobile! says Abzorb

Having no mobile proposition is detrimental to a reseller’s prospects, and they should be doing everything in their power to get in touch with the opportunity at their fingertips, says Abzorb’s Head of Indirect Channel Mark Riddell.

Redefining monetisation

On-demand insight of financial performance is critical to the success of service providers in a fast moving market – that means more than a collection of Excel reports generated once a month, says Strategic Imperatives COO Tim Sayer.

Horton set for growth phase

FluidOne CEO Russell Horton had a clear vision for growth when he took the job in 2018. Since then he’s nailed the first phase of priorities and is now set on executing the next steps in his five-year plan.

A question of change

The comms industry can sometimes seem trapped by its heritage of sustaining a less than diverse character, but this continuation is far from inevitable, according to Jola Marketing Director Cherie Howlett.

Meet a man with a plan

Since the merger of Union Street Technologies, Aurora and Shaftesbury Systems much attention has focused on the strategic realities underpinning the combined group’s growth plan.

Supporting an all-IP era

The all-IP era requires the critical laying of a digital foundation and then building upwards – that means having access to superfast, resilient connectivity, writes Paul Beacham, Senior Manager, Data Networking Portfolios, BT Wholesale.

Dynamism drives billing

Few sections of the comms channel ecosystem are as dynamic as the billing fraternity, and the signs are that an already speedy software development environment is set to accelerate further.

How to avoid a hard exit

The future pathway of any business has nothing to do with fate and everything to do with strategic preparation, especially when considering exit planning, says Paul Billingham, co-founder and Director at Knight Corporate Finance.

UK telcos prove resilient

Flat is the new up, according to Philip Carse, Analyst at Megabuyte.com, who reports on the Covid-19 impacted trading performances of the UK’s primary telcos.

Zoom comes into focus

Now, thanks to platforms like Zoom, the channel has inordinate scope to ride the wave of conferencing market potential, according to Phil Perry, Head of UK and Ireland, Zoom.

SD-WAN sales unlocked

Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) is tipped as one of the fastest growing comms markets, but it’s also perhaps one of the least understood...

Triton boss set for growth

The impression given by Triton Telecom owner Dean Billington during his career has been constant – of a man guided by experience, focused on the customer, seeking growth and achieving success – and it all happened, literally, by accident.

Fishwick on his page-turner

Sometime in the future if a young relative of Ian Fishwick asks him what he did in the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown he’ll simply say, ‘I finished writing a book to inspire people like you’.

A safe pair of hands

CHH CoNeX’s commercial life was borne more from a successful rescue mission than the seeds of a traditional start-up, and the business continues to thrive as ever more critical projects in key sectors such as rail come to fruition.

Global chief boxes clever

It is loud and clear that the rise of XaaS and the impact of Covid-19 as a catalyst for remote working have changed the business comms landscape forever, according to Dropbox Global Head of Channels Simon Aldous.
