ISPA, the voice of the UK Internet industry, has initially responded to the publication of the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill.
ISPA believes law enforcement should have reasonable access to data and we support this new legislation as it tries to simplify the myriad of existing laws governing this area.
ISPA Secretary General Nicholas Lansman said: "ISPA welcomes the attempt to modernise and clarify the law. We will work with Government to ensure that the Bill provides ISPs with a clear and stable legal framework that balances necessary powers with oversight whilst minimising the impact on business."
The Draft Bill is highly complex and some of the provisions seem to be an extension of existing powers, for example the inclusion of a "request filter" and how Internet Connection Records are defined. ISPA will be responding more fully in the coming days on the implications of the new legislation.
ISPA looks forward to working with members and intends to give evidence to the Joint Committee scrutinising the Draft bill in the coming weeks. ISPA Chair James Blessing will further be giving evidence to the Science and Technology Committee's inquiry into this subject on Tuesday 10th November.