Worldwide IT spending forecast to grow 2.4%

Worldwide IT spending is expected to grow 2.4% this year according to calculations by Gartner.

Analyst John-David Lovelock said: "The impact of digital business is giving rise to new categories. For example, the convergence of 'software plus services plus intellectual property'.

"These next-generation offerings are fuelled by business and technology platforms that will be the driver for new categories of spending.

"Industry-specific disruptive technologies include the Internet of Things (IoT) in manufacturing, blockchain in financial services (and other industries), and smart machines in retail. The focus is on how technology is disrupting and enabling business."

The worldwide enterprise software market is forecast to grow 7.6% in 2017, up from 5.3% growth in 2016.

"With the increased adoption of SaaS-based enterprise applications there also comes an increase in acceptance of IT operations management tools that are also delivered from the cloud," added Lovelock.

"These cloud-based tools allow infrastructure and operations organisations to more rapidly add functionality and adopt newer technologies to help them manage faster application release cycles.

"If the I&O team does not monitor and track the rapidly changing environment, it risks infrastructure and application service degradation, which ultimately impacts the end-user experience and can have financial as well as brand repercussions."

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