Openreach ruling spotlights alternative broadband providers

Ofcom's ruling to give Openreach greater independence and autonomy is a 'fantastic opportunity' for new broadband solution providers to make their voices heard, according to Jaime Fink, co-founder at Mimosa.
He noted that despite today's ruling the infrastructure problems facing the UK market that prevent the rollout of a nationwide next-generation broadband network still remain.

"This ensures that Openreach takes its strategies in new bold directions for the benefit of the UK marketplace," he said.

"Openreach must look at new technologies that can enable it to profitably deliver a sustainable broadband network.

"The company will have its eyes on the US where new market challengers, such as Google and Facebook, are selecting alternative broadband solutions like fixed wireless, to better connect their customers.

"The technology can deliver fibre-like broadband connectivity in any environment without the cost or disruption of its cabled alternatives."

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